Breaking The Menopause Stigma: My Journey To Embracing Life’s New Chapter

Family Camper Life

Life’s New Chapter Breaking The Menopause Stigma: My Journey To Embracing Life’s New Chapter Like many women, I spent a large part of my life dreading that inevitable moment when I would experience ‘the change.’ You know what I’m talking about – menopause. It’s the word we whisper in hushed tones, as if saying it […]

The Power Of Support: Finding Sisterhood And Empowerment Through Menopause

Two senior African ladies friends are sitting and chatting, African women traditionally dressed

The Power Of Support The Power Of Support: Finding Sisterhood And Empowerment Through Menopause As I stood in the grocery store, beads of sweat forming on my brow despite the chill from the freezer section, I realized that menopause had become more than just an abstract concept looming in my future – it was here. […]